I am unbearably sad right now.
My country is a disaster, those who are leading us are leading us straight to hell, and it feels like there is nothing I can do.
I know "they" want us to feel powerless. If we're weary we give up.
It's hard to think of anything else but the terrible news every moment of every day. I think that's part of what is eroding my will, the constant bad news, the daily tragedies. It's exhausting.
I will endeavor to find something to lighten the mood in an effort to ease the heavy burden of our shared reality.
It may take a while to come up with something though.
I may take several whiles.
There's the story of how my son and I shaved the dog.
That's pretty funny.
Yup. It is.
The punch line is, the dog looks like Olivia Newton John circa 1980, you know, skinny with giant leg warmers. Shaving the dog's legs was tricky, Summer the Amazing Elderly Maltese was over it by the time we got to her limbs, and frankly, I get it. Who could have foreseen just what a big job shaving a 6 lb dog could be?
I think I'm not really telling the story well. I mean, I'm not. But you see, I'm just too worn out. And really. Five journalists in Maryland were shot dead yesterday by another white misogynist domestic terrorist with a gun, ICE is rounding up people to deport, children are being kept in cages, Justice Kennedy is resigning, and I have just read that Kennedy's son was responsible for loaning the trump 1 billion dollars? Is that even possible?
Who gives a fuck about a dog grooming gone wrong?
If it doesn't have to do with fighting the current regime, it's nothing but a distraction.
Everything isn't ok. Nothing is ok.
My country is a disaster, those who are leading us are leading us straight to hell, and it feels like there is nothing I can do.
I know "they" want us to feel powerless. If we're weary we give up.
It's hard to think of anything else but the terrible news every moment of every day. I think that's part of what is eroding my will, the constant bad news, the daily tragedies. It's exhausting.
I will endeavor to find something to lighten the mood in an effort to ease the heavy burden of our shared reality.
It may take a while to come up with something though.
I may take several whiles.
There's the story of how my son and I shaved the dog.
That's pretty funny.
Yup. It is.
The punch line is, the dog looks like Olivia Newton John circa 1980, you know, skinny with giant leg warmers. Shaving the dog's legs was tricky, Summer the Amazing Elderly Maltese was over it by the time we got to her limbs, and frankly, I get it. Who could have foreseen just what a big job shaving a 6 lb dog could be?
I think I'm not really telling the story well. I mean, I'm not. But you see, I'm just too worn out. And really. Five journalists in Maryland were shot dead yesterday by another white misogynist domestic terrorist with a gun, ICE is rounding up people to deport, children are being kept in cages, Justice Kennedy is resigning, and I have just read that Kennedy's son was responsible for loaning the trump 1 billion dollars? Is that even possible?
Who gives a fuck about a dog grooming gone wrong?
If it doesn't have to do with fighting the current regime, it's nothing but a distraction.
Everything isn't ok. Nothing is ok.